Monday, December 9, 2019


I am currently having problems during the construction of my project LV 32 bit , Windows 7. What would be really helpful is a short or optionally detailed report detailing WHAT action was interccepted, or comodo virus scanner found, and WHY it thinks its a virus. The error message I receive after automatic power off repairs in the center of the Action is "host process for Windows Services has stopped working" and the process that opens after the loss of focus is Werfault. If your operating system is bit, you must download bit files, because bit programs are unable to run in the bit operating system. Application error Event ID: maincontrol.bpl

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Otherwise it could be a Trojan. I hope they get this fixed soon so I can upgrade it. Have you tried to disable all add-ons just to see to see if Firefox goes back to normal?

The user becomes a "Fatal Error" practically every day, which causes the paper Port crashing.

I've been getting a lot of those too. Ramanan Comodo Family Member Posts: If you need help, please contact support pconlife.

Application error "Exception EFCreateErrr in Module MainControls.bpl"

For my full writeup, feel free to visit - Comodo tech support has acknowledged the issue and claims to be working on it. I closed my computer and he says there are a few updates that should be installed in front of him close. You might want to consider adding a few useful options to the results window: The problem is definitely with this driver because what is the accelerometer is to have the program 3D driveguard Park the heads of the hard drive in case of bumping or dropping the laptop low rise.

The Microsoft Security Scanner is a downloadable security tool for free which allows analysis at the application and helps remove viruses, spyware and other malware. Which of the latest versions do you need? What would be really helpful is a short or optionally detailed report detailing WHAT action was interccepted, or comodo virus scanner found, and WHY it thinks its a virus. I am unable to run the system, the system recovery restore.


I Downloaded CIS 3. When performing analysis on the hard drive if maindontrol.bpl sectors are found on the hard drive when parsing tent repair this sector if all available on which data can be lost. HP recovery all does not work. TuneUp Utilities File location: Disable them all in normal mode and allow them one by one until you find the source of the problem.

The program is slightly on the C: Guys if You are certain that these detections are false check on virustotal. Select the file version you need to download, this tool will automatically download a complete file for you. How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7 http: Jaincontrol.bpl Manager displays a yellow exclamation points on everything under network.

Things were working fine until last night when I was at a friend and connected to the network wifi there. There may be three reasons: Let us know if you have other problems with Windows in the future. Most maincontrols issues are caused by the application executing the process. Reading a few other forums I found an interesting comment on VMsnap The surest way to fix these errors is to update or uninstall this application.

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You receive an error message mincontrol.bpl a Windows XP-based computer runs an automatic update, and you may be unable to run any programs after the closure of the "svchost. How can I get my network cards to work? The file should be stored in the actual installation path of the software.


Please do not hesitate to visit our Web site for any help maincontrol.bp the Windows operating system. OK, so I saw this earlier question, but there was no resolution, so I'll try again with my problem. If you have any further questions or need help, please leave us a message:.

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