Saturday, December 14, 2019


Further, the English-speaking judges relied on Muslim law specialist elites to establish the law of the land, because the original Fatawa-i Alamgiri Al-Hindiya was written in Arabic. Aurangzeb and various prominent Islamic scholars. Shia Muslims were in conflict with Sunni Muslims of South Asia, as were other minority sects of Islam, and they questioned the applicability of Fatawa-i Alamgiri. Thirdly, the British belief in "legal precedent" was at conflict with disregard for "legal precedent" in Anglo-Muhammadan legal system that emerged, leading colonial officials to distrust the Maulavis Muslim religious scholars. In the late 18th century, at the insistence of the British, the al-Hidaya was translated from Arabic to Persian. fatawa alamgiri arabic pdf

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It reformulated legal principles to defend Islam and Muslim society by creating a new, expanded code of Islamic law.

Scholars [37] [38] [39] state that the British colonial efforts to translate and implement Sharia from documents such as the Fatawa-e Alamgiri had a lasting legal legacy during and in post-colonial South Asia Pakistan, India and Arabiv. Burton Stein states that the Fatawa-i-Alamgiri represented a re-establishment of Muslim ulama prominence in the political and administrative structure that had been previously lost by Muslim elites and people during Mughal Emperor Akbar 's time.

Fatawa-e-Alamgiri was the work of many prominent scholars from different parts of the world, including Saudi Arabiaprincipally from the Hanafi school.

In the late 18th century, at the insistence of the British, the al-Hidaya was translated from Arabic to Persian.

Fatawa-i Alamgiri became the reference legal text to enforce Sharia in colonial south Asia in the 18th century through early 20th century. Hafiz Aurangzeb reading Quran. Aurangzeb and various prominent Islamic scholars. Further, the English-speaking judges relied on Muslim law specialist pdd to establish the law of the land, because the wlamgiri Fatawa-i Alamgiri Al-Hindiya was written in Arabic.

The document stiffened the social stratification among Muslims. This page was last edited on 14 Septemberat Fatawa Alamgiri Hafiz Aurangzeb reading Quran. As the power shifted from Muslim rulers in India to British Rajthe colonial authorities decided to retain local institutions and laws, to operate under traditional pre-colonial laws instead of introducing secular European common law system.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Structure of Politics Under Aurangzeb Retrieved from " https: The text considers contract not as a written document between two parties, but an oral agreement, in some cases such as marriage, one in the presence of witnesses.

Articles containing Arabic-language text.

The colonial assumption was that the presumed local traditional sharia-based law, as interpreted from Fatawa-i Alamgiri, could be implemented through British-style law institution with integrity. Shia Muslims were in conflict with Sunni Muslims zrabic South Asia, as were other minority sects of Islam, and they questioned the applicability of Fatawa-i Alamgiri.

Fatawa Alamgiri - Fatawa Alamgiri Complete in Arabic+Urdu Jild-1 to 10

Views Read Edit View history. Mona Siddiqui notes that while the text is called a fatawait is actually not a fatwa nor a collection of fatwas from Aurangzeb's time. The British colonial officials responded by creating a bureaucracy that created separate laws for Muslim sects, and non-Muslims such as Hindus in South Asia. The British tried to sponsor translations of Fatawa-i Alamgiri.

These translations triggered a decline in the power and role of the Qadis in colonial India.

fatawa alamgiri arabic pdf

It also led to inconsistent interpretation-driven, variegated judgments in similar legal cases, an issue that troubled British colonial wlamgiri. Thirdly, the British belief in "legal precedent" was at conflict with disregard for "legal precedent" in Anglo-Muhammadan legal system that emerged, leading colonial officials to distrust the Maulavis Muslim religious scholars.

Al Fatawa Al Hindiyah (Fatawa Alamgiri) Urdu / Arabic فتاوی عالمگیری (الفتاوی الھندیۃ) اردو عربی

Charles Hamilton [9] and William Jones translated parts of the document along with other sharia-related documents in English. In substance similar to other Hanafi texts, [16] the laws in Fatawa-i Alamgiri describe, among other things, the following. The Fatawa-e-Alamgiri also formalized the legal principle of Muhtasibor office of censor [35] that was already in use by previous rulers of the Mughal Empire.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This created a social class of Islamic gentry that jealously guarded their expertise, legal authority and autonomy.

fatawa alamgiri arabic pdf

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