Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Have you mixed some 32 bit and 64 bit components. Oracle with Active State. Details Server is running ActivePerl 5. Oracle and 64 bit dlls for Oracle client. If so how do I fix it so Perl looks in c: Re-installing the application may fix this problem. I have reinstalled the oracle client, i have tried uninstalling both active perl and the oracle client and then installing the oracle client before perl as heard this might cause the issue. dbd oci dll

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Oracle with Active State by jand Friar on Aug 28, at This build has DBD:: I managed to resolve it by getting the correct client libraries and reading this guide: On checking my PATH: RobLaw84 RobLaw84 55 2 2 gold badges 4 4 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges.

dbd oci dll

I added these to my path: Oracle with Active State by ikegami Pope on Aug 28, at So I suspected that it was looking for the 64bit client libraries and not finding them. Active 6 years, 5 months ago.

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I think I set the paths correctly but not sure. Back to Seekers of Perl Wisdom. I had a similar issue but for the 64bit version of Perl.

dbd oci dll

I have Oracle installed and working on the machine but when I run the script I receive: How do we handle problem users? I have ensured C: I guess that was a permissions issue.

Make sure it exists in your C: This application has failed to start because OCI. I have reinstalled the oracle client, i have tried uninstalling both active perl and the oracle client and then installing the oracle client before perl as heard this might cause the issue.

Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Details Server is running ActivePerl 5. Post as a guest Name.

This fixed the issue and allowed me to connect: Email Required, but never shown. Sign up using Facebook.

problem using DBD::Oracle with Active State

Oracle already built and compiled in to it. I only suggest you check as the error says "is not a valid Win32 application at".

dbd oci dll

Have you mixed some 32 bit and 64 bit components. Improving the question-asking experience. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

fail to connect to Oraclemissing

Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: If so how do I fix it so Perl looks in c: Oracle with Active State by chuckd Scribe on Sep 18, at Sign up using Email and Password. I installed ActiveState Perl 5. Cosmicnet Cosmicnet 13 13 bronze badges. I have perl script which connects to an Oracle database, opens a text file and loads the data from the file in a database table, the script works perfectly on my development machine windows xp 32 bithowever when i load the script to the production server windows 64 bit and run it from a command line, it opens a perl.

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